I was able to return to the UK for the 50th anniversary of the tragedy and attended the Easter Day service at Berkswell parish church where my brothers funeral was held and where they are both buried. Some how it seemed fitting to start the 50th anniversary year celebrating the Easter Story with all its message of hope in the face of dreadful adversity. The rector and congregation were kind enough to pray for all those who had experienced sudden loss through accidents in general and mentioned the loss of Christopher and Kenneth specifically and the wider family who were able to join. I was pleased that several others who had been contemporaries of Chris and Ken were also able to attend and remember them as well. Thanks to all who were able to join us.
This is the moment in the Easter service during intercessory prayers when we and other families who had lost loved ones in tragic circumstances were remembered.
Astonishingly one of the parishioners who has been attending Berkswell parish church for the last 8 years is actually a survivor of the same accident. I had the privilege of meeting him after the service. He had written up his account of events that day as part of an article in the November parish magazine but neither of us knew of the link between ourselves until the day of the service itself.